Impact of Food Production on Climate Change


How do you decide what to eat
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

How do you decide what to eat? 🤔 I am sure it will depends on 💡

✔️How tasty it is — Likeability 😋

✔️Is it available? — Supply & Demand, Seasonality of food 📈 ☀️ ❄️

✔️How much it costs? — Competitive pricing 💸

✔️Is it benefited for me — Health & wellness benefits 💪

Etc… Etc.….

But ever thought about — 🤔

🚫 What farming practices are used to grow this food?

🚫 How many resources in terms of water, fertilizers, land, manpower & time used to grow this food?

🚫 How much greenhouses gases released in atmosphere, from farm to our plates

❌ No, right! — How are we going to know about all this information when it’s not available?

But as a consumer it’s our responsibility towards our planet to know how food are is grown 🧑‍🌾

In order to encourage sustainable farming practices and efficient agriculture systems ♻️

Linking Green House Gases ( GHG’s ) with “how food is grown”

Photo by Tomas Hertogh on Unsplash

26% of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from how food is grown 🍽️ , with 58% of that coming from animal products 🍖

1Kg of Rice produces 4 kg of GHGs 🍚 Whereas 🌾1 Ton of Wheat produces almost 200Kg of GHGs due to extensive use of fertilizers 😵

Locally grown fruits and vegetables have the lowest carbon footprint. Food accounts for 30% of a household’s carbon footprint in the US

with 1kg of apple, banana and tomatoes producing only .4kg. , 7kg & 1.4Kg of GHGs respectively 🍓

Impact of CO2 concentration on food quality

Photo by Maxim Tolchinskiy on Unsplash

In human history CO2 concentrations are higher than ever before, Increased from 280 ppm to 410 ppm since industrial revolution🏭

According to Samuel Myers, scientist at Harvard University👨‍🔬,Increased levels of CO2 could have reduced iron, zinc and protein up to 15 % within rice, wheat, maize and soy 😲

Pushing 200 Million people into risk of nutritional deficiency 😥

With India being the 2nd largest agriculture producer, 🇮🇳

the whole world is watching us 👀

How we can tackle climate change due to agriculture ⁉️

What do you think is the way out? 🤔💭

Checkout the complete video on LinkedIn -

Comment your thoughts below ! 🔽



Oxyflora Biotech | PTC lab | New Delhi, India
Oxyflora Biotech | PTC lab | New Delhi, India

Written by Oxyflora Biotech | PTC lab | New Delhi, India

Commercial Plant Tissue Culture Lab 🥼 for Bamboo 🎍| Banana 🍌 | Philodendron ☘️ | Syngonium 🌿 | Anthurium 🌾 | Alocasia 🌴 | Aglaonema 🎋 | Ornamental Plants

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