Why Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States?
The third richest man on the planet owns approximately 2, 42,000 acres of farm land across 19 states with assets totaling $ 690 Million — Nearly size of Hong Kong
Bill & Melinda Gates acquired farmland through a private investment company — Cascade Investment, which also owns share in plant based protein companies Beyond Meat and Impossible foods.
Based on our understanding, following can be the reasons:
Reason 1 : To grow GMO Corn & Soy crops
A base food for synthetic ultra-processed products like synthetic meat, In 2019 it was reported that Impossible Burger was facing a shortage of soy because it relied on farms that didn’t use genetically modified seeds.
Reason 2 : For Bio Fuel Development
According to some scientific estimates, there may be only 1.7 trillion barrels of oil in the world today which can last up to 2067
Definitely using fossil fuels as a source of energy is no longer sustainable.
Biofuels are renewable fuel sources that are created from the biomass of animals and plants. Some examples:
- Ethanol is a biofuel made from corn, barley, or sorghum and used as a gasoline alternative.
- Biogas is a natural gas alternative that can be sourced from animal manure or algae.
Making farming more self-sustaining, environment friendly & efficient
Reason 3 : Agriculture Technology & Automation
In January 2021, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched Gates Ag One.
A nonprofit charitable firm. It will help farmers in developing countries access Agri-Tech, improve farming tools, learn how to maximize yield and better adapt to climate change.
So to conclude we think that ,
Bill Gates going to use the farmland to grow more GMO’s and use the plant waste and biomass to develop bio fuels by use of efficient agriculture technologies and futuristic automation techniques
This is our best guess
But no one knows why Bill Gates is heavily invested in farmlands!
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